\name{getAnnotation} \alias{getAnnotation} \alias{getControlAnno} \alias{setAnnotation} \title{Storage of annotation information for Illumina expression chips} \description{ Illumina use several control types for QA purposes, however the IDs of these controls change between different organisms and annotation revisions. Therefore we need to store the annotation of a chip in order to perform QA on the bead-level data. The functions setAnnotation and getAnnotation are used to manage this annotation information. } \usage{ getAnnotation(BLData) setAnnotation(BLData, aName) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{BeadLevelList for an Illumina expression array.} \item{aName}{Character to define the annotation of the chip} } \details{ We currently store the annotation as a slot in a BeadLevelList. The value in the slot should match one of entries in \code{ExpressionControlData} (see example).} \value{ setAnnotation returns a modified BeadLevelList with the new value for the annotation slot. } \author{Mark Dunning} \examples{ data(BLData) data(ExpressionControlData) getAnnotation(BLData) names(ExpressionControlData) } \seealso{\code{\link{ExpressionControlData}}}