\name{arrayNames} \alias{arrayNames} \title{Gets the strip/array names from a BeadLevelList Object} \description{ Retrieves the strip/array names from a \code{BeadLevelList} object. } \usage{ arrayNames(object, arrays=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{BeadLevelList}} \item{arrays}{integer (scalar or vector) specifying the strips/arrays to retrieve the names of. When \code{NULL} the names of all strips/arrays are returned.} } \details{ \code{arrayNames} retrieves the name of the strip(s)/array(s) from the arrayInfo slot. } \value{ A character vector containing the names of the individual strips(s)/array(s). } \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ data(BLData) arrayNames(BLData) } \keyword{manip}