\name{ps2ps} \alias{ps2ps} \title{Find orthologous/homologous probe sets across two different Affymetrix microarray formats using HomoloGene} \description{ Takes two Affymetrix annotation files, the HomoloGene database, a target species ID and returns a mapping table with homologous/orthologous probe sets. } \usage{ ps2ps(annotation_1,annotation_2,homologene,target_species,probesets=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{annotation_1}{A data.frame with Affymetrix annotation for the source microarray format.} \item{annotation_2}{A data.frame with Affymetrix annotation for the target microarray format.} \item{homologene}{A data.frame with HomoloGene database.} \item{target_species}{The target species identifier (i.e. the species corresponding to the target microarray).} \item{probesets}{A vector of probe set identifiers. If not specified, all probe sets on the source microarray format are mapped (default).} } \details{ A table of orthologous/homologous probe sets is built by looking up gene IDs (corresponding to the probe sets on the source microarray array) in HomoloGene to find their orthologs, and identifying probe sets in the target microarray that probe the orthologous gene transcripts. Affymetrix annotation files can be obtained from Affymetrix (http://www.affymetrix.com). A flat file database version can be obtained from HomoloGene (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/HomoloGene) Target species ID are defined by the NCBI Taxonomy database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy) } \value{ \item{mappingTable}{A data.frame with four columns and as many rows as there are probe sets in the source annotation. Eache row corresponds to a probe set in the source annotation (column1), the corresponding gene IDs (column 2), the orthologous gene IDs in the target species (column 3), and the probe sets in the target annotation correspondin to the orthologous gene IDs (column 4).} } \references{} \author{Alexandre Kuhn, \email{alexandre.kuhn@isb-sib.ch}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ##load Affymetrix annotations annotMouse<-read.csv('Mouse430_2_annot.csv',colClasses='character') annotHuman<-read.csv('HG-U133A_annot.csv',colClasses='character') ##load HomoloGene database homologene<-read.delim('homologene.data',header=FALSE) ##define target species ID homoSapiens_ID<-9609 ##map all probe sets on mouse array Mouse 430 2.0 to their orthologs on human array HG-U133A mappingTable<-ps2ps(annotMouse,annotHuman,homologene,targetSpecies) ##write mapping table to disk write.table(mappingTable,file='Mouse4302_HGU133A.txt',sep='\t',col.names=T,row.names=F,quote=FALSE) ##to map the first 10 probe sets given in the annotation only mappingTable<-ps2ps(annotMouse,annotHuman,homologene,targetSpecies,probesets=annotMouse[1:10,1]) } } \keyword{manip}