\name{read.celfile.probeintensity.matrices} \alias{read.celfile.probeintensity.matrices} \title{Read PM or MM from CEL file into matrices} \description{This function reads PM, MM or both types of intensities into matrices. These matrices have all the probes for a probeset in adjacent rows } \usage{read.celfile.probeintensity.matrices(filenames, cdfInfo, rm.mask=FALSE, rm.outliers=FALSE, rm.extra=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, which= c("pm","mm","both")) } \arguments{ \item{filenames}{a character vector of filenames} \item{cdfInfo}{a list with items giving PM and MM locations for desired probesets. In same structure as returned by \code{\link[makecdfenv]{make.cdf.package}}} \item{rm.mask}{a \code{\link{logical}}. Return these probes as NA if there are in the [MASK] section of the CEL file} \item{rm.outliers}{a \code{\link{logical}}. Return these probes as NA if there are in the [OUTLIERS] section of the CEL file}. \item{rm.extra}{a \code{\link{logical}}. Return these probes as NA if there are in the [OUTLIERS] section of the CEL file}. \item{verbose}{a \code{\link{logical}}. When true the parsing routine prints more information, typically useful for debugging.} \item{which}{a string specifing which probe type to return} } \value{returns a \code{\link{list}} of \code{\link{matrix}} items. One matrix contains PM probe intensities, with probes in rows and arrays in columns } \author{B. M. Bolstad } \keyword{IO}