\name{normalize.qspline} \alias{qspline-normalize} \alias{normalize.qspline} \alias{normalize.AffyBatch.qspline} \title{Normalize arrays} \description{ normalizes arrays in an AffyBatch each other or to a set of target intensities } \usage{ normalize.AffyBatch.qspline(abatch,type=c("together", "pmonly", "mmonly", "separate"), ...) normalize.qspline(x, target = NULL, samples = NULL, fit.iters = 5, min.offset = 5, spline.method = "natural", smooth = TRUE, spar = 0, p.min = 0, p.max = 1.0, incl.ends = TRUE, converge = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \code{data.matrix} of intensities} \item{abatch}{an \code{AffyBatch}} \item{target}{numerical vector of intensity values to normalize to. (could be the name for one of the celfiles in 'abatch')} \item{samples}{numerical, the number of quantiles to be used for spline. if (0,1], then it is a sampling rate} \item{fit.iters}{number of spline interpolations to average} \item{min.offset}{minimum span between quantiles (rank difference) for the different fit iterations} \item{spline.method}{specifies the type of spline to be used. Possible values are `"fmm"', `"natural"', and `"periodic"'.} \item{smooth}{logical, if `TRUE', smoothing splines are used on the quantiles} \item{spar}{smoothing parameter for `splinefun', typically in (0,1].} \item{p.min}{minimum percentile for the first quantile} \item{p.max}{maximum percentile for the last quantile} \item{incl.ends}{include the minimum and maximum values from the normalized and target arrays in the fit} \item{converge}{(currently unimplemented)} \item{verbose}{logical, if `TRUE' then normalization progress is reported} \item{na.rm}{logical, if `TRUE' then handle NA values (by ignoring them)} \item{type}{A string specifying how the normalization should be applied. See details for more.} \item{...}{Optional parameters to be passed through} } \value{ a normalized \code{AffyBatch}. } \details{ This normalization method uses the quantiles from each array and the target to fit a system of cubic splines to normalize the data. The target should be the mean (geometric) or median of each probe but could also be the name of a particular chip in the \code{abatch} object. Parameters setting can be of much importance when using this method. The parameter \code{fit.iter} is used as a starting point to find a more appropriate value. Unfortunately the algorithm used do not converge in some cases. If this happens, the \code{fit.iter} value is used and a warning is thrown. Use of different settings for the parameter \code{samples} was reported to give good results. More specifically, for about 200 data points use \code{samples = 0.33}, for about 2000 data points use \code{samples = 0.05}, for about 10000 data points use \code{samples = 0.02} (thanks to Paul Boutros). The \code{type} argument should be one of \code{"separate","pmonly","mmonly","together"} which indicates whether to normalize only one probe type (PM,MM) or both together or separately. } \author{ Laurent and Workman C. } \references{ Christopher Workman, Lars Juhl Jensen, Hanne Jarmer, Randy Berka, Laurent Gautier, Henrik Bjorn Nielsen, Hans-Henrik Saxild, Claus Nielsen, Soren Brunak, and Steen Knudsen. A new non-linear normal- ization method for reducing variability in dna microarray experiments. Genome Biology, accepted, 2002 } \keyword{manip}