\name{multiloess} \alias{multiloess} \title{Local Polynomial Regression Fitting} \description{A modified version of of loess. Perform loess for every column of Y, but with the robust weights calculated using all columns} \usage{ multiloess(formula, data=NULL, weights, subset, na.action, model = FALSE, span = 0.75, enp.target, degree = 2, normalize = TRUE, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), method = c("loess", "model.frame"), control = loess.control(...), ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ See \code{\link[modreg]{loess}}. } \details{ Please refer to \code{\link[modreg]{loess}}. } \value{ See \code{\link[modreg]{loess}}. } \references{Astrand, M. (2001) \url{http://www.math.chalmers.se/~magnusaa/maffy/}} \author{Magnus Astrand} \seealso{ \code{\link{loess}}} \keyword{internal}