\name{generateExprVal.method.playerout} \alias{generateExprVal.method.playerout} \alias{playerout.costfunction} \title{Generate an expression value from the probes informations} \description{ Generate an expression from the probes } \usage{ generateExprVal.method.playerout(probes, weights=FALSE, optim.method="L-BFGS-B") } \arguments{ \item{probes}{a list of \code{probes} slots from \code{PPSet.container}} \item{weights}{Should the resulting weights be returned ?} \item{optim.method}{see parameter 'optim' for the function \code{\link{optim}}} } \value{ A vector of expression values. } \details{ A non-parametrical method to weight each perfect match probe in the set and to compute a weighted mean of the perfect match values. One will notice this method only makes use of the perfect matches. (see function \code{playerout.costfunction} for the cost function). } \author{ Laurent \cr (Thanks to E. Lazaridris for the original playerout code and the discussions about it) } \references{ Emmanuel N. Lazaridis, Dominic Sinibaldi, Gregory Bloom, Shrikant Mane and Richard Jove A simple method to improve probe set estimates from oligonucleotide arrays, Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 176, Issue 1, March 2002, Pages 53-58 } \keyword{manip}