\name{barplot.ProbeSet} \alias{barplot.ProbeSet} \title{show a ProbeSet as barplots} \description{ displays the probe intensities in a ProbeSet as a barplots } \usage{ \method{barplot}{ProbeSet}(height, xlab = "Probe pair", ylab = "Intensity", main = NA, col.pm = "red", col.mm = "blue", beside = TRUE, names.arg = "pp", ask = TRUE, scale, ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{height}{an object of class \code{ProbeSet} } \item{xlab}{ label for x axis } \item{ylab}{ label for y axis } \item{main}{ main label for the figure } \item{col.pm}{ color for the `pm' intensities } \item{col.mm}{ color for the `mm' intensities } \item{beside}{ bars beside eachothers or not } \item{names.arg}{ } \item{ask}{ ask before ploting the next barplot } \item{scale}{ put all the barplot to the same scale } \item{\dots}{ extra parameters to be passed to \code{\link{barplot}} } } \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) gn <- geneNames(Dilution) pps <- probeset(Dilution, gn[1])[[1]] barplot.ProbeSet(pps) } } \keyword{hplot}