\name{AffyBatch-class} \docType{class} \alias{AffyBatch-class} \alias{AffyBatch,ANY} \alias{AffyBatch} \alias{probes} \alias{geneNames} \alias{geneNames<-} \alias{getCdfInfo} \alias{image} \alias{indexProbes} \alias{intensity<-} \alias{intensity} \alias{pmindex} \alias{mmindex} \alias{probeset} \alias{$.AffyBatch} \alias{cdfName} \alias{cdfName,AffyBatch-method} \alias{checkValidFilenames} \alias{probes,AffyBatch-method} \alias{exprs,AffyBatch-method} \alias{exprs<-,AffyBatch,ANY-method} \alias{se.exprs,AffyBatch-method} \alias{se.exprs<-,AffyBatch-method} \alias{featureNames,AffyBatch-method} \alias{featureNames<-,AffyBatch-method} \alias{geneNames,AffyBatch-method} \alias{geneNames<-,AffyBatch,ANY-method} \alias{getCdfInfo,AffyBatch-method} \alias{image,AffyBatch-method} \alias{initialize,AffyBatch-method} \alias{indexProbes,AffyBatch-method} \alias{intensity<-,AffyBatch-method} \alias{intensity,AffyBatch-method} \alias{pmindex,AffyBatch-method} \alias{mmindex,AffyBatch-method} \alias{probeset,AffyBatch-method} \alias{boxplot,AffyBatch-method} \alias{dim,AffyBatch-method} \alias{row,AffyBatch-method} \alias{col,AffyBatch-method} \alias{show,AffyBatch-method} \alias{pm,AffyBatch-method} \alias{pm<-,AffyBatch,ANY-method} \alias{mm,AffyBatch-method} \alias{mm<-,AffyBatch,ANY-method} \alias{probeNames,AffyBatch-method} \alias{hist,AffyBatch-method} \alias{[<-,AffyBatch-method} \alias{[,AffyBatch-method} \alias{[[,AffyBatch-method} \alias{length,AffyBatch-method} \alias{bg.correct,AffyBatch,character-method} \alias{indexProbes,AffyBatch,character-method} \alias{indexProbes,AffyBatch,missing-method} \alias{computeExprSet,AffyBatch,character,character-method} \alias{cdfName,AffyBatch-method} \alias{updateObject,AffyBatch-method} \title{Class AffyBatch} \description{This is a class representation for Affymetrix GeneChip probe level data. The main component are the intensities from multiple arrays of the same \code{CDF} type. It extends \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created using the function \code{\link{read.affybatch}} or the wrapper \code{\link{ReadAffy}}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{cdfName}:}{Object of class \code{character} representing the name of \code{CDF} file associated with the arrays in the \code{AffyBatch}.} \item{\code{nrow}:}{Object of class \code{integer} representing the physical number of rows in the arrays.} \item{\code{ncol}:}{Object of class \code{integer} representing the physical number of columns in the arrays.} \item{\code{assayData}:}{Object of class \code{AssayData} containing the raw data, which will be at minimum a matrix of intensity values. This slot can also hold a matrix of standard errors if the 'sd' argument is set to \code{TRUE} in the call to \code{ReadAffy}.} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} containing phenotypic data for the samples.} \item{\code{annotation}}{A character string identifying the annotation that may be used for the \code{ExpressionSet} instance.} \item{\code{featureData}}{Object of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} containing feature-level (e.g., probeset-level) information.} \item{\code{experimentData}:}{Object of class "MIAME" containing experiment-level information.} \item{\code{notes}:}{Object of class "character" Vector of explanatory text } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"eSet"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{cdfName}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: Obtains the cdfName slot.} \item{pm<-}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: replaces the perfect match intensities } \item{pm}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: extracts the pm intensities. } \item{mm<-}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: replaces the mismatch intensities.} \item{mm}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: extracts the mm intensities. } \item{probes}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", which)}: extract the perfect match or mismatch probe intensities. Uses which can be "pm" and "mm".} \item{exprs}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: extracts the expression matrix.} \item{exprs<-}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", value = "matrix")}: replaces the expression matrix.} \item{se.exprs}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: extracts the matrix of standard errors of expression values, if available.} \item{se.exprs<-}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", value = "matrix")}: replaces the matrix of standard errors of expression values.} \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: replaces subsets. } \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: subsets by array.} \item{boxplot}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: creates a \code{\link{boxplot}s of log base 2 intensities (pm, mm or both). Defaults to both.} \item{hist}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: creates a plot showing all the histograms of the pm,mm or both data. See \code{\link{plotDensity}}} \item{computeExprSet}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch", summary.method = "character")}: For each probe set computes an expression value using \code{summary.method}. } \item{featureNames}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: return the probe set names also referred to as the Affymetrix IDs. Notice that one can not assign \code{featureNames}. You must do this by changing the cdfenvs.} \item{geneNames}{\code{signature(object="AffyBatch'")}: deprecated, use \code{featureNames}} \item{getCdfInfo}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: retrieve the environment that defines the location of probes by probe set. } \item{image}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: creates an image for each sample.} \item{indexProbes}{ \code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", which = "character")}: returns a list with locations of the probes in each probe set. The affyID corresponding to the probe set to retrieve can be specified in an optional parameter \code{genenames}. By default, all the affyIDs are retrieved. The names of the elements in the list returned are the affyIDs. \code{which} can be "pm", "mm", or "both". If "both" then perfect match locations are given followed by mismatch locations. \code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", which = "missing")} (i.e., calling \code{indexProbes} without a "which" argument) is the same as setting "which" to "pm". } \item{intensity<-}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: a replacement method for the \code{exprs} slot, i.e. the intensities. } \item{intensity}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: extract the \code{exprs} slot, i.e. the intensities. } \item{length}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: returns the number of samples. } \item{pmindex}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: return the location of perfect matches in the intensity matrix.} \item{mmindex}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: return the location of the mismatch intensities. } \item{dim}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: Row and column dimensions.} \item{ncol}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: An accessor function for \code{ncol}.} \item{nrow}{\code{signature(x = "AffyBatch")}: an accessor function for \code{nrow}}.} \item{normalize}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: a method to \code{\link{normalize}}. The method accepts an argument \code{method}. The default methods is specified in package options (see the main vignette). } \item{normalize.methods}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: returns the normalization methods defined for this class. See \code{\link{normalize}}.} \item{probeNames}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch")}: returns the probe set associated with each row of the intensity matrix. } \item{probeset}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch",genenames=NULL, locations=NULL)}: Extracts \code{\link[affy:ProbeSet-class]{ProbeSet}} objects related to the probe sets given in genenames. If an alternative set of locations defining pms and mms a list with those locations should be passed via the \code{locations} argument.} \item{bg.correct}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", method="character")}} applies background correction methods defined by method. \item{updateObject}{\code{signature(object = "AffyBatch", ..., verbose=FALSE)}: update, if necessary, an object of class AffyBatch to its current class definition. \code{verbose=TRUE} provides details about the conversion process.} } } \note{This class is better described in the vignette.} \seealso{ related methods \code{\link{merge.AffyBatch}}, \code{\link{pairs.AffyBatch}}, and \code{\link[Biobase:class.eSet]{eSet}}} \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { ## load example data(Dilution) ## nice print print(Dilution) pm(Dilution)[1:5,] mm(Dilution)[1:5,] ## get indexes for the PM probes for the affyID "1900_at" mypmindex <- pmindex(Dilution,"1900_at") ## same operation using the primitive mypmindex <- indexProbes(Dilution, which="pm", genenames="1900_at")[[1]] ## get the probe intensities from the index intensity(Dilution)[mypmindex, ] description(Dilution) ##we can also use the methods of eSet sampleNames(Dilution) abstract(Dilution) } } \keyword{classes}