\name{randomDiana2means} \alias{randomDiana2means} \title{Generate null-distributions of DLD-scores} \description{ Draws a number of random sets of probe-sets consisting of the needed size and applies \code{diana2means} to compute DLD scores. } \usage{ randomDiana2means(nprobes, data, chip, ndraws = 10000, ngenes = 50, ignore.genes = 5) } \arguments{ \item{nprobes}{the size of gene sets.} \item{data}{a matrix of expression data, rows corerspond to genes, columns to samples.} \item{chip}{the name of the used chip.} \item{ndraws}{the number of DLD scores computed.} \item{ngenes}{the number of genes used to compute DLD scores (passed to \code{diana2means}).} \item{ignore.genes}{the number of best scoring genes to be ignored when computing DLD scores (passed to \code{diana2means})} } \details{ This function uses \code{drawRandomPS} to draw \code{ndraws} gene sets. On these it applies \code{diana2means} to determine a null-distribution of DLD-scores. } \value{ A vector of DLD-scores. } \author{Joern Toedling, Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{drawRandomPS}}, \code{\link{diana2means}}} \examples{ # prepare data library(vsn) library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Merge) # generate DLD scores scores <- randomDiana2means(20, exprs(Golub_Merge), "hu6800", ndraws = 500) } \keyword{datagen}