\name{srduplicated} \alias{srorder} \alias{srrank} \alias{srsort} \alias{srduplicated} % XStringSet-methods \alias{srorder,XStringSet-method} \alias{srrank,XStringSet-method} \alias{srsort,XStringSet-method} \alias{srduplicated,XStringSet-method} \title{Order, sort, and find duplicates in XStringSet objects} \description{ These generics order, rank, sort, and find duplicates in short read objects, including fastq-encoded qualities. \code{srorder}, \code{srrank} and \code{srsort} differ from the default functions \code{rank}, \code{order} and \code{sort} in that sorting is based on an internally-defined order rather than, e.g., the order implied by \code{LC_COLLATE}. } \usage{ srorder(x, ...) srrank(x, ...) srsort(x, ...) srduplicated(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The object to be sorted, ranked, ordered, or to have duplicates identified; see the examples below for objects for which methods are defined.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments available for use by methods; usually ignored.} } \details{ Unlike \code{sort} and friends, the implementation does not preserve order of duplicated elements. Like \code{duplicated}, one element in each set of duplicates is marked as \code{FALSE}. \code{srrank} settles ties using the \dQuote{min} criterion described in \code{\link{rank}}, i.e., identical elements are ranked equal to the rank of the first occurence of the sorted element. The following methods are defined, in addition to methods described in class-specific documentation: \describe{ \item{srsort}{\code{signature(x = "XStringSet")}:} \item{srorder}{\code{signature(x = "XStringSet")}:} \item{srduplicated}{\code{signature(x = "XStringSet")}: Apply \code{srorder}, \code{srrank}, \code{srsort}, \code{srduplicated} to \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{XStringSet}} objects such as those returned by \code{\link{sread}}.} \item{srsort}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}:} \item{srorder}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}:} \item{srduplicated}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}: Apply \code{srorder}, \code{srrank}, \code{srsort}, \code{srduplicated} to \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{XStringSet}} objects to the \code{sread} component of \code{\linkS4class{ShortRead}} and derived objects.} } } \value{ The functions return the following values: \item{srorder}{An integer vector the same length as \code{x}, containing the indices that will bring \code{x} into sorted order.} \item{srrank}{An integer vector the same length as \code{x}, containing the rank of each seqeunce when sorted.} \item{srsort}{An instance of \code{x} in sorted order.} \item{srduplicated}{A logical vector the same length as \code{x} indicating whether the indexed element is already present. Note that, like \code{duplicated}, subsetting \code{x} using the result returned by \code{!srduplicated(x)} includes one representative from each set of duplicates.} } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ showMethods("srsort") showMethods("srorder") showMethods("srduplicated") sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package='ShortRead')) rfq <- readFastq(analysisPath(sp), pattern="s_1_sequence.txt") sum(srduplicated(sread(rfq))) srsort(sread(rfq)) srsort(quality(rfq)) } \keyword{manip}