\name{readXStringColumns} \alias{readXStringColumns} \title{ Read one or more columns into XStringSet (e.g., DNAStringSet) objects } \description{ This function allows short read data components such as DNA sequence, quality scores, and read names to be read in to \code{XStringSet} (e.g., \code{DNAStringSet}, \code{BStringSet}) objects. One or several files of identical layout can be specified. } \usage{ readXStringColumns(dirPath, pattern=character(0), colClasses=list(NULL), sep = "\t", header = FALSE, comment.char="#") } \arguments{ \item{dirPath}{A character vector giving the directory path (relative or absolute) of files to be read.} \item{pattern}{The (\code{\link{grep}}-style) pattern describing file names to be read. The default (\code{character(0)}) reads all files in \code{dirPath}. All files are expected to have identical numbers of columns.} \item{colClasses}{A list of length equal to the number of columns in a file. Columns with corresponding \code{colClasses} equal to \code{NULL} are ignored. Other entries in \code{colClasses} are expected to be character strings describing the base class for the \code{XStringSet}. For instance a column of DNA sequences would be specified as \code{"DNAString"}. The column would be parsed into a \code{DNAStringSet} object.} \item{sep}{A length 1 character vector describing the column separator.} \item{header}{A length 1 logical vector indicating whether files include a header line identifying columns. If present, the header of the first file is used to name the returned values.} \item{comment.char}{A length 1 character vector, with a single character that, when appearing at the start of a line, indicates that the entire line should be ignored. Currently there is no way to use comment characters in other than the first position of a line.} } \value{ A list, with each element containing an \code{XStringSet} object of the type corresponding to the non-NULL elements of \code{colClasses}. } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ ## valid character strings for colClasses names(slot(getClass("XString"), "subclasses")) dirPath <- system.file('extdata', 'maq', package='ShortRead') colClasses <- rep(list(NULL), 16) colClasses[c(1, 15, 16)] <- c("BString", "DNAString", "BString") ## read one file readXStringColumns(dirPath, "out.aln.1.txt", colClasses=colClasses) ## read all files into a single object for each column res <- readXStringColumns(dirPath, colClasses=colClasses) } \keyword{IO}