\name{readBfaToc} \alias{readBfaToc} \title{Get a list of the sequences in a Maq .bfa file} \description{ As \code{\link{pileup}} needs to know the lengths of the reference sequences, this function is provided which extracts this information from a .bfa file (Maq's "binary FASTA" format). } \usage{ readBfaToc( bfafile ) } \arguments{ \item{bfafile}{The file name of the .bfa file.} } \value{An integer vector with one element per reference sequence found in the .bfa file, each vector element named with the sequence name and having the sequence length as value.} \author{Simon Anders, EMBL-EBI, \email{sanders@fs.tum.de} (Note: The C code for this function incorporates code from Li Heng's MAQ software, (c) Li Heng and released by him under GPL 2.}