\name{clean} \alias{clean} \alias{clean,DNAStringSet-method} \title{Remove sequences with ambiguous nucleotides from short read classes} \description{ Short reads may contain ambiguous base calls (i.e., IUPAC symbols different from A, T, G, C). This generic removes all sequences containing 1 or more ambiguous bases. } \usage{ clean(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object for which \code{clean} methods exist; see below to discover these methods.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, perhaps used by methods.} } \details{ The following method is defined, in addition to methods described in class-specific documentation: \describe{ \item{clean}{\code{signature(x = "DNAStringSet")}: Remove all sequences containin non-base (A, C, G, T) IUPAC symbols.} } } \value{ An instance of \code{class(object)}, containing only sequences with non-redundant nucleotides. } \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ showMethods('clean') } \keyword{manip}