\name{sumStats} \alias{sumStats} \title{A function to calculate some summary statistics between an two interactomes} \description{ This function takes in a named list of in silico interactomes (by its incidence matrix representation of the bi-partite graph). The function compares each interactome pairwise (with itself as well as with each other interactome) and generates some summary statistics: e.g. the number of redundant protein complexes, the number of protein sub-complexes one interactome may posses with respect to some other interactome (possibly itself), etc. } \usage{ sumStats(imList, pathToSave = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{imList}{A named list of in silic interactomes (incidence matrix)} \item{pathToSave}{A character vector of a path location to where the summary statistics will be saved} } \details{ } \value{ \item{redundantM}{A symmetric matrix with the row and column names named by the interactome names. The shows the number of redundancies (i.e. the number of repeated protein complexes) within two interactomes} \item{subM}{A matrix with the row and column names named by the interactome names. Each entry details how many protein sub-complexes are found within the interactome indexed by the row with respect to the interactome indexed by the column} } \author{TC} \examples{ #gavin <- getAPMSData("Gavin") #krogan <- getAPMSData("Krogan") #imList <- vector("list", length=2) #imList[[1]] <- gavin #imList[[2]] <- krogan #names(imList) <- c("Gavin", "Krogan") #sumStats(imList) } \keyword{datagen}