\name{graphSumStats} \alias{graphSumStats} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{An initiation function to generate graph statistics} \description{ This function takes an in silico interactome and a list of Y2H experimental data (see details) and generates various graph summary statistics. } \usage{ graphSumStats(ISI, bait2PreyL) } \arguments{ \item{ISI}{An incidence matrix representation of a bi-partite graph of an in silico interactome} \item{bait2PreyL}{A list of y2h information. The data structure is that of intactInfo.rda of the y2hStat package} } \details{ } \value{ \item{complex}{A character vector of the constituent members of the proteinn complex of interest} \item{complexBait}{A character vector of those protein members which were also tested as baits in the y2h experiment} \item{notBait}{A character vector of those protein members which were not tested as baits} \item{avgDegOut}{The average out-degree of the bait proteins of the complex of interest} \item{notIsolated}{A character vector of proteins that showed experimental binary affiliation for some other complex member} \item{y2hGraph}{An instance of the class graph; a graphNEL induceds Y2H graph on the protein complex} \item{popMeanDegree}{The population mean degree derived from the bait proteins} \item{edgeProp}{The estimated edge proportions derived between undirected Y2H edges} \item{degBait}{A named list; each name corresponds to each member of the protein complex with the entry the number of proteins to which it is adjacent} } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}