\name{checkComplex} \alias{checkComplex} \title{Function to check a list of protein complexes wrt ScISI} \description{ This function takes a named list of protein complexes (where each protein complex name indexes an item of the list and each list entry is the protein composition of the complex) and an interactome (in the bi-partite matrix representation) and checks to see if each complex of the list is either in the interactome, a sub-complex of some complex(es) of the interactome, or a super-complex of some complex(es) of the interactome. } \usage{ checkComplex(comps, interactome) } \arguments{ \item{comps}{A named list of protein complexes. The names corresponds the protein complexes and the entries correspond to the complex composition} \item{interactome}{A bi-partite graph representation of some interactome} } \details{ This is another QC function to check the participation of certain protein complexes. The out-put will describe how the various protein complexes in question relate to the protein complexes of the interactome in question. } \value{ A named list: \item{equal}{A named character vector - the name equals the entry} \item{subset}{A named char vector - the name is a subset of the entry} \item{superset}{A named char vector - the name is a superset of the entry} \item{sameNameNotEqual}{A named char vector - the name is equal to the name of the entry but the composition is not equal} } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}