\name{getPar} \alias{getPar} \alias{getPar,ParESet-method} \title{Adds graphical parameters for plotting SNP data} \description{ Not intended to be called directly. Adds graphical parameters for plotting SNP data to one of the graphical parameter classes (e.g., \code{ParSnpSet}, \code{ParSnpCopyNumberSet}, etc). } \usage{ getPar(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object inheriting from \code{ParESet}} \item{\dots}{additional arguments to \code{par}} } \details{ Adds graphical parameters to an object inherited from class \code{ParESet} that depend on the data class object (an object inherited from class \code{SnpLevelSet}). For instance, graphical parameters specifying the layout depend on the number of samples and chromosomes in the object \code{snpset} } \value{ An object of the same class as \code{object} } \author{R. Scharpf} \seealso{plotSnp} \keyword{manip} \keyword{methods}