\name{chromosome2integer} \alias{chromosome2integer} \alias{integer2chromosome} \title{Converts chromosome to integer or vice versa} \description{ Provides a standard way of converting chromosome annotation stored in \code{SnpLevelSet} objects to the numeric class. } \usage{ chromosome2integer(chrom) integer2chromosome(chrom) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{chrom}{chromosome} } \details{ This is useful when sorting SNPs in an object by chromosome and physical position -- ensures that the sorting is done in the same way for different objects. The function currently provides the following conversions: "X" -> 23 "XY" -> 24 "Y" -> 25 "M" -> 26 } \value{ \code{integer} \code{character} } \author{R. Scharpf} \keyword{manip}