\name{twoWayTable} \alias{twoWayTable} \title{ Generate two-way table for genetic interaction data } \description{ Generate two-way table from a vector of genetic interaction status and a vector of the pairs that share a functional domain. } \usage{ twoWayTable(var1, var2idx) } \arguments{ \item{var1}{ Vector of the status of the first property. } \item{var2idx}{ Vector of the index in \code{var1} that have the second property. } } \details{ Calculates the count numbers from the given vectors. Then put them into a matrix format. } \value{ A two-way contingency table of genetic interaction and whether sharing a functional domain.} \author{ Z. Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link{sharedBy}}, \code{\link{getUniquePairs}} } \examples{ var1 <- c(0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1) var2idx <- c(3,5,7) twoWayTable(var1,var2idx) data("AtongFnDomain") pf <- Biobase::reverseSplit(AtongFnDomain$SharedPfam) idx <- which(rownames(AtongFnDomain$pairs) \%in\% pf$PF00478) twoWayTable(AtongFnDomain$pairs[,"interact"],idx) } \keyword{methods}