\name{seqMatcherAlign} \alias{seqMatcherAlign} \alias{getAlignStats} \title{ Functions to do local alignment of two sequences using EMBOSS matcher } \description{ \code{seqMatcherAlign} matches two sequences using the EMBOSS matcher program. \code{getAlignStats} extract the statistics from the alignment result data. } \usage{ seqMatcherAlign(pairNameV,BankIDV,seqBank) getAlignStats(alignRes) } \arguments{ \item{pairNameV}{ a vector of gene pair names} \item{BankIDV}{ a vector of the sequence IDs in the sequence Bank.} \item{seqBank}{ a database of all the sequences } \item{alignRes}{ object returned by \code{seqMatcherAlign} } } \details{ \code{seqMatcherAlign} matches the gene pair names with the sequence bank IDs and export the two sequences in to two files: seq1.new and seq2.new. Then uses system calls to run EMBOSS matcher program to align the two sequences. The result from matcher is store in file "out.matcher". \code{seqMatcherAlign} read in this file and create a R object summarize the alignment results. \code{getAlignStats} takes the alignment result data and extract the statistics of the result in to data.frame. } \value{ \item{names }{contains the names of the gene pair} \item{results }{contains the alignment statistics: the aligned total length, the number of identical match, the number of similar match, the number of gaps, and the alignment score} \item{seq}{displays the aligned sequences} } \references{ EMBOSS: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (2000) Rice,P. Longden,I. and Bleasby,A. Trends in Genetics 16, (6) pp276--277 } \author{ Z. Jiang } \note{ \code{pairMatcherAlign} use system calls to run EMBOSS matcher program. You must have EMBOSS matcher installed on your computer. } \examples{ seq1 <- "RPHEDEKEAIDEAKKMKVPGENEDESKEEEKSQELEEAIDSKEKSTDARDEQGDEGDNEEENNEEDNENENEHTAPPALVMPSPIEMEEQRM" seq2 <- "QKYLLKKAIRNFSEYPFYAQNKLIHQQATGLILTEEEKSQELEEKIISKIKKEEHLKKINLKHDYFDLQKKYEKECEILTKLSENLRKEK" seq3 <- "IHQQATGLILTKIISKIKKEEHVPGENEDLKKINLKHDYFDLQKKYEKECEILTKLSENLRKEEIENKRKEHELMEQKRREEGIETEKEKSLRHPSSSSSSRRRN" seqBank <- list(seq1=list(seq=seq1),seq2=list(seq=seq2),seq3=list(seq=seq3)) bid <- names(seqBank) pnames <- c("seq1","seq3") \dontrun{ ar <- seqMatcherAlign(pnames, bid, seqBank) ar getAlignStats(ar) } } \keyword{ methods }