\name{plot} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,siResult-method} \alias{plot,siResult,missing-method} \title{Graphical method to represent the result of the modelSLGI .} \description{ a plot method for \code{siResult}. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{siResult}(x,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the \code{siResult} object to plot.} \item{...}{general commands to be sent to plot.} } \details{ The plot generated from a \code{siResult} object is a dotplot with the observed and expected data average of interaction represented in 2 different colors. } \author{N. LeMeur} \seealso{\emph{ScISI}} \examples{ data(ScISIC) data(Atong) data(SGA) model <- modelSLGI(Atong, universe= SGA, interactome=ScISIC, type="intM", perm=2) plot(model) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}