\name{domainDist} \alias{domainDist} \title{ Finds the number of gene sets for each shared domain } \description{ \code{domainDist} takes a list of shared domains, and compute for each distinct domain how many gene sets share it. } \usage{domainDist(domainL)} \arguments{ \item{domainL}{Each element of the list is a vector of functional domains.} } \details{ For each domain that appears in the domain list, \code{domainDist} counts the number of elements that have this domain. } \value{ Returns a frequency table with descending order. } \author{ Z. Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link{getSharedDomains}}, \code{\link{sharedBy}} } \examples{ data(AtongFnDomain) domainDist(AtongFnDomain$SharedPfam[1:20]) } \keyword{ methods }