\name{SGA} \alias{SGA} \alias{SGAraw} \docType{data} \title{Systematic genetic analysis with ordered arrays of yeast deletion.} \description{ Listed of yeast deletion genes used as array probes in the Systematic Genetic Analysis (SGA) of yeast deletion Tong et. al. (2001). } \usage{ data(SGAraw) data(SGA) } \details{ \code{SGAraw} is a \code{character} vector of length 4672, corresponding to the original yeast deletion genes set on the array. Note that some of those genes correspond to ORFS that have subsequently been rejected. \code{SGA} is a \code{character} vector of length 4655, corresponding to the updated yeast deletion genes set on the array. The gene names have been updated from common gene name or alias to systemantic names (last update Feb. 2006). } \source{ Table S1 from Tong et al . (2001) online supporting material. \url{http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/294/5550/2364/DC1} } \references{ Systematic genetic analysis with ordered arrays of yeast deletion mutants, Tong et al, Science. Vol. 294, 2001 } \examples{ data(SGAraw) length(SGAraw) if(require("YEAST")) updateSGA <- mget(SGAraw, YEASTCOMMON2SYSTEMATIC, ifnotfound = SGAraw) } \keyword{datasets}