\name{get.indep.zscores} \alias{get.indep.zscores} \title{A function to calculate mean associations} \description{ Internal function for the SIM package used to calculate mean z-scores for the independent features across the significant dependent features. This function is called by sim.plot.zscore.heatmap and tabulate.top.indep.features. } \usage{ get.indep.zscores(arg, run.name) } \arguments{ \item{arg}{ Describe \code{arg} here } \item{run.name}{ Describe \code{run.name} here } } \details{ If necessary, more details than the description above } \value{ Describe the value returned If it is a LIST, use \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'} \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} } \references{ put references to the literature/web site here } \author{Marten Boetzer, Renee X. de Menezes \email{R.X.Menezes@lumc.nl}} \seealso{\code{\link{sim.plot.zscore.heatmap}},\code{\link{tabulate.top.indep.features}} } \examples{ ##do not run } \keyword{internal}