\name{summary.SBML} \alias{summary.SBML} \alias{summary} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Get summary information from an SBML model} \description{ This function extracts information from a model of class \code{SBML} and returns it as a list. The list includes species and reaction information tabularized as data frames. } \usage{ \method{summary}{SBML}(object,\dots) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ A model object of class \code{SBML} from which information is to be extracted.} \item{...}{ For compatibility with \code{summary} of the base package.} } \details{no details} \value{ A list containing the following elements \item{BC}{ A logical vector indicating which species are not state variables, i.e. which species are boundary conditions or auxillary variables.} \item{y0}{ The initial state (boundary conditions excluded!). } \item{nStates}{ The length of the state vector, i.e. the number of system states.} \item{S0}{ The full set of species initial values.} \item{nReactions}{ The number of reactions.} \item{nSpecies}{ The number of species, including states, boundary conditions and possibly auxillary variables such as the total concentration of dihydofolate reductase in the morrison.r model. } \item{incid}{ The incidence/stoichiometry matrix. This usually contains ones and minus ones corresponding to fluxes either synthesizing or degrading (respectively) a state variable chemical species. This matrix multiplied by the flux vector on its right yields the corresponding concentration state variable time derivatives. } \item{species}{ Species information (i.e. names, ICs, BCs, and compartments) as a data frame.} \item{reactions}{ Reaction information tabularized as a dataframe, including string laws and initial fluxes.} } \note{The list output can be attached to immediately define many model variables of interest. } \author{ Tomas Radivoyevitch (radivot@hal.cwru.edu)} %\seealso{ \code{\link{==.SBML}} } \seealso{ \code{\link{equateModels}} } \examples{ library(SBMLR) curto=readSBMLR(file.path(system.file(package="SBMLR"), "models/curto.r")) summary(curto) } \keyword{ math }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS