\name{union.of.pways} \alias{union.of.pways} \title{Create the union of two pathway lists} \description{This function takes two lists where each component is a vector of probe sets ids and create a new such list that contains all probe sets and pathways from the two lists.} \usage{union.of.pways(x,y)} \arguments{ \item{x}{the first list} \item{y}{the second list} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{A list which is the union of the two input lists.} \examples{ X = list(a=c(1,2),c=c(1,2));Y = list(a=c(3,4),d=c(12,2)) union.of.pways(X,Y) } \note{Experimental function. Feedback appreciated.} \details{The function \emph{merge.list} in package \emph{RCurl} forms a basis for this function which adds the ability to add new probe sets to existing pathways.} \keyword{multivariate}