\name{p0.mom} \alias{p0.mom} \title{Estimate proportion unchanged genes} \description{The function uses the vector of p-values to estimate p0.} \usage{p0.mom(ps = pvalues)} \arguments{ \item{ps}{the vector of p-values, e.g. from firstpass} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{the value of p0, the proportion unchanged genes as a list with components \item{mgf}{estimate from the mgf method} \item{PRE}{estimate from the PRE method} \item{experimental1} \item{experimental2} } \references{ Broberg, P. A new estimate of the proportion unchanged genes, 2005, \emph{Genome Biology} 5:p10 \cr Broberg, P. A comparative review of estimates of the proportion unchanged genes and the false discovery rate, submitted (2004) } \keyword{nonparametric}