\name{list.intersection.p} \alias{list.intersection.p} \title{p-value for intersection of two gene lists.} \description{Calculates a p-value for observing a number of probe sets common to two lists drawn from the same chip. } \usage{list.intersection.p(N = 14000, N1 = 100, N2 = 200, common = 30)} \arguments{ \item{N}{The selectable number of probe sets} \item{N1}{the number of probe sets on the first list.} \item{N2}{the number of probe sets on the second list} \item{common}{the number of probe sets in common to the two lists.} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{the p-value giving the probability of observing by chance at least as many in common as was actually observed.} \keyword{distribution}