\name{findNG4Tag} \alias{findNG4Tag} \alias{getBinding} \alias{getDBArgs} \alias{getLibCounts} \alias{getSAGEKNN} \alias{getSLyzerArgs} \alias{getTag} \alias{getUnixDBArgs} \alias{getWinDBArgs} \alias{linkTag2UG} \alias{mapLib2File} \alias{mapSAGE2UG} \alias{modSLyzerArgs} \alias{procSAGE} \alias{remapTagNUG} \alias{runSLyzer} \alias{SAGEFromGEO} \alias{setKNNArgs} \alias{setSLyzerArgs} \alias{showDBError} \alias{writeSAGEKNN} \alias{writeSLyzerArgs} \title{Supporting functions} \description{ These are all supporting functions that may of no use out side of thecontext } \usage{ getDBArgs() getUnixDBArgs(binding = "pg") getBinding(binding = c("pg")) getWinDBArgs() getTag() setKNNArgs() getSLyzerArgs(argName = "SAGELyzerArgs") writeSLyzerArgs(args, argName = "SAGELyzerArgs") modSLyzerArgs(argName, value) setSLyzerArgs() runSLyzer() writeSAGEKNN(knn, targetSAGE) getSAGEKNN() getLibCounts() mapLib2File() linkTag2UG() remapTagNUG(mappings) SAGEFromGEO() procSAGE() mapSAGE2UG() showDBError() findNG4Tag() } \arguments{ \item{binding}{a character string that can be "pg" at this time for PostgreSQL} \item{argName}{A character string for the name of a argument stored in an environment that can be access for stored information} \item{args}{Contents that will be written to the environment that can be accessed later} \item{value}{Same as args above} \item{knn}{Results form running knn} \item{targetSAGE}{A character string for a tag sequence that is compared to using knn} \item{mappings}{A data from that contains mappings between SAGE tags and UniGene ids} } \details{ These functions should only be used with the main functions. Users do not need to call them out side of the main functions. } \value{ The functions returns various values } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/}} \author{J. Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{mergeSAGE}}} \examples{ #No examples provided } \keyword{manip}