\name{mergeSAGEWidget} \alias{mergeSAGEWidget} \alias{GEOSAGEWidget} \alias{mapSAGEWidget} \alias{SAGE4Unix} \title{Widgets that provide the interface} \description{ These widgets are specific to the package and may be of litter use otherwise. } \usage{ mergeSAGEWidget() GEOSAGEWidget() mapSAGEWidget() SAGE4Unix() } \details{ \code{\link{mergeSAGEWidget}} provides an interface for users to input values for arguments for the name sage libraries, is the name a directory name, and the type of separator used. \code{\link{GEOSAGEWidget}} provides an interface for users to input values for arguments for the organism of concern, a directory name for storing data, and the url where GEO data can be downloaded. \code{\link{mapSAGEWidget}} provides an interface for users to input values for arguments that are need to map SAGE tags to UniGene ids. \code{\link{SAGE4Unix}} is the interface to call various functions of SAGElyzer. } \value{ All the widgets except \code{\link{SAGE4Unix}} return a list containing values for input argument. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ # No example is given } \keyword{interface}