\name{SAGEWidget} \alias{SAGEWidget} \alias{getTasks} \alias{getDMProc} \alias{getKNNProc} \alias{butsInTBox} \alias{getTaskTips} \alias{KNNArgsWidget} \title{A function that is the main interface for SAGElyzer} \description{ This function serves as the main interface for SAGElyzer, which contains buttons for making a connection to a database and invokes all the tasks and procedures to take to complete a task. } \usage{ SAGEWidget() getTasks() getDMProc(base, TBox, status) getKNNProc(base, TBox, status) butsInTBox(base, TBox, status, butList, clear = FALSE) getTaskTips(task) KNNArgsWidget() } \arguments{ \item{base}{\code{base} a tkwin object that can be a parent of other widgets (e.g. window, frame)} \item{TBox}{\code{TBox} a tkwin object that can be used as a status bar} \item{status}{\code{status} a character string for the status of a process} \item{butList}{\code{butList} a list of chracter strings for function names. The name of the list will be used to create buttons baring the same name and values will be called when corresponding buttons are pressed} \item{clear}{\code{clear} a boolean indicating if a status bar will be cleard before updating} \item{task}{\code{task} a character string for the name of a task of interest} } \details{ Each task may involve several procedures that require user inputs for arguments. Blanks need to be filled. Default values are provided whereever it is possible. Defaults are advised to be used if a user are not sure about what to enter for inputs. \code{\link{SAGEWidget}} calls the other functions listed in this man page. } \value{ This function returns invisible(). } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SAGE/}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ if(interactive()){ SAGEWidget() } } \keyword{misc}