\name{probeAnno-class} \docType{class} \alias{probeAnno-class} \alias{probeAnno} \alias{arrayName<-,probeAnno,character-method} \alias{arrayName,probeAnno-method} \alias{arrayName<-} \alias{arrayName} \alias{genome<-} \alias{genome} \alias{chromosomeNames} \alias{[<-,probeAnno-method} \alias{[,probeAnno-method} \alias{chromosomeNames,probeAnno-method} \alias{get,character,missing,probeAnno,missing,missing-method} \alias{initialize,probeAnno-method} \alias{ls,probeAnno,missing,missing,missing,missing-method} \alias{show,probeAnno-method} \alias{genome<-,probeAnno,character-method} \alias{genome,probeAnno-method} \alias{coerce,environment,probeAnno-method} \title{Class "probeAnno"} \description{A class that holds the mapping between reporters/probes on a microarray and their genomic match position(s) in a chosen genome.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("probeAnno", map, arrayName, genome)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{map}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"} This map consists of four vectors for each chromosome/strand, namely, say for chromosome 1: \describe{ \item{1.start}{genomic start coordinates of probe matches on chromosome 1} \item{1.end}{genomic start coordinates of probe matches on chromosome 1} \item{1.index}{identifier of probes matching at these coordinates} \item{1.unique}{vector of the same length as the three before; encoding how many matches the corresponding probe has in the given file or \code{data.frame}. An entry of '0' indicates that the probe matching at this position has only this one match.} }} \item{\code{arrayName}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, the name or identifier of the microarray design, e.g. \code{2005-06-17\_Ren\_MM5Tiling\_Set1}} \item{\code{genome}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, which genome the reporters have been mapped to} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{arrayName}{obtain the microarray platform name} \item{arrayName<-}{replace the microarray platform name} \item{[}{get elements from the \code{map} environment} \item{[<-}{assign elements to the \code{map} environment} \item{chromosomeNames}{obtain a character vector holding the names of the chromosomes for which the probeAnno objects holds a mapping.} \item{get}{get elements from the \code{map} environment} \item{initialize}{create mew probeAnno object} \item{ls}{list elements of the \code{map} environment } \item{genome}{obtain the description of the genome the reporters were mapped to} \item{genome<-}{replace the description of the genome the reporters were mapped to} \item{as}{signature(from="environment"); function to coerce old-style 'probeAnno' environments to new-style 'probeAnno' objects. Simply creates a new object with the old environment in its \code{map} slot} } } \author{Joern Toedling \email{toedling@ebi.ac.uk}; Wolfgang Huber} \note{'probeAnno' objects used to be environments and are still in package \code{tilingArray}} \seealso{posToProbeAnno} \examples{ pa <- new("probeAnno") pa["X.start"] <- seq(5000,10000,by=1000) if (interactive()) show(pa) pa2 <- posToProbeAnno(file.path(system.file("exData",package="Ringo"), "MOD_2003-12-05_SUZ12_1in2.pos")) arrayName(pa2) <- "NimbleGen MOD_2003-12-05_SUZ12_1in2" genome(pa2) <- "H. sapiens (hg18)" show(pa2) head(pa2["9.start"]) } \keyword{classes}