\name{clusterData-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{clusterData-methods} \alias{clusterData<--methods} \alias{clusterData} \alias{clusterData<-} \title{Get and set attributes for a cluster of an Ragraph object} \usage{ clusterData(self, cluster, attr) clusterData(self, cluster, attr) <- value } \arguments{ \item{self}{A \code{Ragraph-class} instance} \item{cluster}{cluster number} \item{attr}{A \code{character} vector of length one specifying the name of a cluster attribute} \item{value}{A \code{character} vector to store as the attribute value} } \description{ Attributes of a graph can be accessed using \code{clusterData}. There's no default attributes for clusters. The attributes must be defined using \code{\link{graphDataDefaults}}. } \author{Li Long } \examples{ library(graph) library(Rgraphviz) g1_gz <- gzfile(system.file("GXL/graphExample-01.gxl.gz",package="graph"), open="rb") g11_gz <- gzfile(system.file("GXL/graphExample-11.gxl.gz",package="graph"), open="rb") g1 <- fromGXL(g1_gz) g11 <- fromGXL(g11_gz) g1_11 <- join(g1, g11) sgl <- vector(mode="list", length=2) sgl[[1]] <- list(graph=g1, cluster=TRUE) sgl[[2]] <- list(graph=g11, cluster=TRUE) ng <- agopenSimple(g1_11, "tmpsg", subGList=sgl) clusterData(ng, 1, c("bgcolor")) <- c("blue") clusterData(ng, 2, c("bgcolor")) <- c("red") toFile(ng, layoutType="dot", filename="g1_11_dot.ps", fileType="ps") } \keyword{methods}