\name{RefPlus-package} \alias{RefPlus-package} \alias{RefPlus} \docType{package} \title{ RMA based on reference microarrays: RMA+ and RMA++ methods } \description{ RMA+ is an extenstion of the RMA algorithm that calculates the probeset intensities of a microarray using a pre-stored RMA model fitted on previously obtained microarrays, e.g. reference microarrays. RMA++ is a further extension based on the RMA+ method. This package depends on the affyPLM package. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab RefPlus\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.9.0\cr Date: \tab 2007-11-1\cr License: \tab GPL version 2 or newer\cr } Use \code{rma.para} to obtain the reference quantiles and the probe effects from a reference set, then use \code{rmaplus} to calculate the RMA+ intensities based on the fitted reference quantiles and probe effects. } \author{ By Kai-Ming Chang(kaiming@gmail.com) } \references{ Chang,K.M., Harbron,C., South,M.C. (2006) An Exploration of Extensions to the RMA Algorithm. Available with the RefPlus package.Avaliable with the package. Harbron, C, Chang, K.M., South,M.C.(2007) RefPlus : an R package extending the RMA Algorithm. Bioinformatics 23, 2493-2494. } \keyword{package} \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { ## Use Dilution in affydata package data(Dilution) ##Calculate RMA intensities using the rma function. Ex0<-exprs(rma(Dilution)) ## Background correct, estimate the probe effects, and calculate the ## RMA intensities using rma.para function. Para<-rma.para(Dilution, bg=TRUE,exp=TRUE) Ex1<-Para[[3]] ## Calculate the RMA+ intensity using rmaplus function. Ex2<-rmaplus(Dilution, rmapara=Para, bg = TRUE) } }