\name{getMolecule} \alias{getMolecule} \alias{getMass} \alias{getFormula} \alias{getIsotope} \alias{getScore} \alias{getValid} \title{Calculate mass and isotope information for a molecule given as sum formula} \description{ Parse the sum formula and calculate the theoretical exact mass and the isotope distribution. } \usage{ getMolecule(formula, elements = NULL, z = 0) getMass(molecule) getFormula(molecule) getIsotope(molecule, index) getScore(molecule) getValid(molecule) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{Sum formula} \item{elements}{list of allowed chemical elements, defaults to full periodic system of elements} \item{z}{charge z of molecule for exact mass calculation} \item{molecule}{an initialized molecule as returned by getMolecule() or the decomposeMass() and decomposeIsotope() functions} \item{index}{return the n-th isotope mass/abundance pair of the molecule} } \details{ getMolecule() Parse the sum formula and calculate the theoretical exact mass and the isotope distribution. For a given element, return the different mass values. } \value{ \item{getMolecule}{A list with the elements \item{formula}{ repeated sum formula } \item{mass}{ exact mass of molecule } \item{score}{ probability, for given molecules a dummy value which is always 1.0 } \item{valid}{ result of neutrogen rule check } \item{isotopes}{ a list of isotopes } } \item{getMass, getFormula and getScore}{return the mass of the molecule as string or real value} } \examples{ # For Ethanol: getMolecule("C2H6O") } \references{ For a description of the underlying IMS see: WABI Paper } \author{Steffen Neumann } \keyword{methods}