\name{dbReadTable.PgSQL.conn} \alias{dbReadTable.PgSQL.conn} \title{Read a PostgreSQL table} \description{ \code{dbReadTable} fetches all values in a table and returns them in a data frame. } \usage{ dbReadTable.PgSQL.conn(conn, ...) } \arguments{ \item{conn}{A connection object} \item{...}{Other arguments, described in \code{details}} } \details{ The \dots arguments: \itemize { \item{table.name}{The name of the table} \item{row.names}{A vector of row names, defaults to NULL} \item{col.names}{A vector of column names, defaults to NULL} \item{as.is}{List character-type columns that should not be converted to factors, defaults to FALSE} \item{as.matrix}{If all columns of the resulting data.frame are the same, will attempt to convert the data.frame to a matrix before returning it} } The \code{as.is} argument act like its equivalent in \code{read.table}. } \value{ A data frame, unless as.matrix is specified and all the columns are identically typed in which case a matrix is returned. } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link[Rdbi]{dbWriteTable}}} \keyword{data}