\name{dbReconnect} \alias{dbReconnect} \alias{dbReconnect.Rdbi.conn} \title{Reopens a connection to a database} \description{ \code{dbReconnect} a generic function that, when called with a valid connection object, reopens the connection to the database backend. } \usage{ dbReconnect(conn) } \arguments{ \item{conn}{A database connection object.} } \details{ A database connection object contains the necessary information to re-establish a connection. Thus, a database connection object can be saved across R sessions and reconnected later. If I can convince the R developers to add a generic function that is always called when objects are restored, then it will be possible to have connections persist across R sessions. Note that packages that implement the Rdbi interface do not need to provide a \code{dbReconnect} function as long as the connection object returned by \code{\link{dbConnect}} inherits from "Rdbi.conn" and has attributes described in the documentation for \code{\link{dbConnect}}. \code{dbReconnect.Rdbi.conn} can reconnect the object. If \code{dbReconnect.Rdbi.conn} is not general enough, the package can provide its own method. } \value{ A database connection object. } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link{dbConnect}}, \code{\link{dbDisconnect}}, \link{methods}, \code{\link{class}}} \keyword{methods} \keyword{connection} \keyword{data}