\name{dbColumnInfo} \alias{dbColumnInfo} \title{Returns type information about a result column} \description{ \code{dbColumnInfo} is a generic function that, when called on a result object, returns type information about tuple fields in the result. } \usage{ dbColumnInfo(result) } \arguments{ \item{result}{A query result object.} } \value{ Returns a data frame with each row corresponding to a different field in the result. Rows are named for each field. Any available information about a field can be presented in columns of the data frame. The most important of these is probably a "Type" column that can be used to convert strings returned by the query into appropriate R types. } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link{dbSendQuery}}, \code{\link{dbResultInfo}}} \keyword{methods}