\name{require.RbcBook1} \alias{require.RbcBook1} \title{Load a lengthy list of packages that are used in the Book} \description{Load a lengthy list of packages that are used in the Book} \usage{ require.RbcBook1() .RbcBook1.pkgs() } \arguments{ } \details{\code{require.RbcBook1} can be used to see at once whether all packages required for the book can be loaded. To do for \code{.RbcBook1.pkgs}: version numbers? } \value{ \code{.RbcBook1.pkgs} returns a character vector with the names of all packages used in the book. } \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(reposTools) install.packages2(.RbcBook1.pkgs(), develOK=TRUE) require.RbcBook1() }} \keyword{misc}