\name{createMap} \alias{createMap} \alias{createMap,standardGeneric,missing-method} \alias{createMap,character,missing-method} \alias{createMap,missing,character-method} \title{Create Java function signatures from R functions} \description{ \code{createMap} extracts type information from R function definitions, and uses this to create Java-style function calls with appropriately typed arguments. Types are then converted to Java objects. A side effect is to create or modify a directory structure in the current working directory containing Java class information. There are three methods defined: \describe{ \item{\code{createMap(standardGeneric, missing, ...)}}{Intended to dispatch on S4 generics, creating maps for all currently visible methods.} \item{\code{createMap(character, missing, ...)}}{Intended to dispatch on a character vector of function names, creating maps for each function.} \item{\code{createMap(missing, pkgs=character, ...)}}{Inteded to map all functions in \code{pkgs} with \code{typeInfo} applied. \code{pkgs} can be a character vecorr of package names, or in conjunction with the argument \code{splitPkgsToVector=TRUE} a comma-delimited list of packages. The latter behavior is meant to faciliate use with the \code{ant} command line, as \code{ant -Dpkg=caDNAcopy,caPROcess gen-map-from-package}.} } } \usage{ createMap(funcs, pkgs, generateTests = TRUE, outputDirectory = stop("specify outputDirectory"), typeMode = "javalib", deployMode = "jms", verbose = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{funcs}{Function or list of functions with typeInfo already applied, or S4 generic method.} \item{pkgs}{Character string or vector of package names. Package namespaces are parsed for functions with TypeInfo, and R-Java maps are created for these.} \item{generateTests}{Logical. Should test code be generated?} \item{outputDirectory}{Directory where Java hierarchy will be created.} \item{typeMode}{Character, either "robject" or "javalib". How Java objects should be generated; see \code{\link{generateDataMap}} and \code{\link{converters}}} \item{deployMode}{Character, either "demo" or "jms". How the service will be deployed. "demo" is no longer supported.} \item{verbose}{Print information during mapping generationg; useful for debugging.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, e.g., \code{S4DefaultTypedSig} used for providing type specifications for S4 functions when \code{funcs} is of class \code{standardGeneric}, or \code{splitPkgsToVector=TRUE} to treat \code{pkgs} as a comma-delimited list of packages.} } \details{ \code{createMap} operates either on functions with \code{\link[TypeInfo]{typeInfo}} applied, or on S4 generic methods. Some coercion occurs with \code{typeInfo} functions. All signatures have an explict return type. \code{\link[TypeInfo:IndependentTypeSpecification-class]{IndependentTypeSpecification}} classes are 'expanded' to a complete set of typed signatures. Function signatures for S4 methods are created from information used in generic method construction, supplemented by an optional default type signature supplied as a named argument \code{S4DefaultTypedSig}. Each method defined for a generic results in a Java signature. Arguments used for method dispatch are typed according to the dispatch rules for the function. Return types are determined by the \code{valueClass} of the generic (the \code{valueClass} of methods seem not to defined, despite what the documentation indicates). Default values for other arguments, and for return values if \code{valueClass} is not used, can be created with a \code{\link[TypeInfo:TypedSignature-class]{TypedSignature}} passed as a named argument \code{S4DefaultTypedSig}. Values implied by S4 method definitions override the defaults. See \code{\link{typeInfo2Java}} for additional information on how conversion occurs. } \value{ Primarily inovkes for the side-effect of creating a java class hierarchy reflecting the data and methods present in the call to \code{createMap}. Returns a list of Java signatures function definitions.. } \seealso{\code{\link{createMap,missing,character-method}}} \author{Martin Morgan } \examples{ library(RWebServices) ## S4 \dontrun{ setClass("A", representation(x="character")) setGeneric("foo", function(obj) standardGeneric("foo")) setMethod("foo", "numeric", function(obj) new("A", x=as.character(obj))) setMethod("foo", "character", function(obj) new("A", x=obj)) createMap(foo, outputDirectory=tempdir(), S4DefaultTypedSig=TypedSignature(returnType="A")) % checkType <- TypeInfo:::checkType % RJavaSignature(checkType, S4DefaultTypedSig = TypedSignature(returnType = "logical" )) % createMap(typeInfo2Java, S4DefaultTypedSig=TypedSignature(returnType="RJavaSignature")) } } \keyword{programming} \keyword{documentation}