\name{rocdemo.sca} \alias{rocdemo.sca} \alias{dxrule.sca} \title{ function to build objects of class 'rocc' } \description{ rocdemo.sca -- demonstrate 'rocc' class construction using a scalar marker and simple functional rule } \usage{ rocdemo.sca(truth, data, rule=NULL, cutpts=NA, markerLabel="unnamed marker", caseLabel="unnamed diagnosis") } \arguments{ \item{truth}{ true classification of objects. Must take values 0 or 1.} \item{data}{ quantitative markers used to classify} \item{rule}{ rule: a function with arguments (x, thresh) returning 0 or 1. If no rule is provided the standard rule \code{dxrule.sca} is assumed and a faster implementation utilized.} \item{cutpts}{ values of thresholds} \item{markerLabel}{ textual label describing marker} \item{caseLabel}{ textual label describing classification} } \details{ dxrule.sca is function (x, thresh) ifelse(x > thresh, 1, 0) The default value of argument cutpts is a point less than min(data), points separating the unique values of data and a point greater than max(data). } \value{ an object of S4 class rocc } \references{ } \author{Vince Carey (stvjc@channing.harvard.edu) } \note{ } \seealso{AUC} \examples{ set.seed(123) R1 <- rocdemo.sca( rbinom(40,1,.3), rnorm(40), caseLabel="new case", markerLabel="demo Marker" ) plot(R1, line=TRUE, show.thresh=TRUE) truth <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) data <- c(2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) R2 <- rocdemo.sca(truth, data, dxrule.sca) plot(R2, line=TRUE, show.thresh=TRUE) R3 <- rocdemo.sca(truth, data, function(x, thresh) 1 - dxrule.sca(x, thresh)) if (AUC(R2) + AUC(R3) != 1) stop('Sum of AUCs should be 1.') } \keyword{ models }