\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \title{plot method for ROC curves} \description{plot method for ROC curves} \alias{plot,rocc-method} \alias{lines,rocc-method} \alias{points,rocc-method} \section{Methods}{\describe{ \item{x = rocc}{ plots an ROC curve object, with additional parameters available: { \describe{ \item{show.thresh (logical):}{should marker threshold values be plotted?} \item{jit (logical):}{should plotted points be jittered?} \item{add (logical):}{increment to current plot?} \item{line (logical):}{plot points or lines?} \item{threshCex (numeric):}{if showing threshold values, set character expansion in \code{text} call to this value} \item{threshYsh (numeric):}{if showing threshold values, add this quantity to y coordinate of curve to plot the threshold value (should be negative for printing below point)} \item{threshDig (numeric):}{if showing threshold values, use this as the digits parameter to \code{round} to display the threshold} \item{\dots}{extra parameters passed to base \code{plot}, \code{lines} or \code{points} as needed} }}}}} \examples{ set.seed(123) R1 <- rocdemo.sca( rbinom(40,1,.3), rnorm(40), dxrule.sca, caseLabel="new case", markerLabel="demo Marker" ) plot(R1, line=TRUE, show.thresh=TRUE, lwd=2, threshDig=2) R2 <- rocdemo.sca( rbinom(40,1,.3), rnorm(40), dxrule.sca, caseLabel="new case", markerLabel="demo Marker" ) plot(R2, line=TRUE, add=TRUE, col="green", lwd=2 ) R3 <- rocdemo.sca( rbinom(40,1,.4), rnorm(40), dxrule.sca, caseLabel="new case", markerLabel="demo Marker" ) points(R3, col="red", pch=19) } \keyword{methods}