\name{incorporatepValVec} \alias{incorporatepValVec} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Incorporate a vector of p-values into a dataset } \description{ Incorporates a vector of p-values into a dataset. Also works with a dataset containing values per well (non summarized), or with a hit vector. } \usage{ incorporatepValVec(dataset, pValVec, replicaMatrix, col4anno, colname4pval) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dataset}{ an R data frame generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{pValVec}{ a vector of p-values } \item{replicaMatrix}{ a matrix of replicate values, as generated by \code{\link{generateReplicateMat}} } \item{col4anno}{ a character string specifying the name of the dataset column to be used to define the replicate, for example \code{ "GeneName"} or \code{ "Internal_GeneID"} } \item{colname4pval}{ a character string specifying the name of the dataset column the p-values will be stored in } } \value{ Returns the dataset with an added column of p-values. } \seealso{\code{\link{multTestAdjust}}, \code{\link{Ttest}} } \examples{ data(exampleDataset, package="RNAither") data(scoredDataset1, package="RNAither") ##scoredDataset1 already contains the p-value column data(pValVec1, package="RNAither") ##for details on the generation of pValVec1 and scoredDataset1, see the example of the Ttest function linked above. temp <- generateReplicateMat(dataset, 1, "Intensities", "SigIntensity", "GeneName") replicamatrix <- temp[[1]] newdataset <- incorporatepValVec(dataset, pValVec1, replicamatrix, "GeneName", "pvals") ##newdataset and scoredDataset1 are now equivalent } \keyword{ manip }