\name{generateRepMatNoFilter} \alias{generateRepMatNoFilter} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Generate a matrix of replicates (II) } \description{ Generates a matrix out of a dataset, each row corresponding to an siRNA/gene ID, each column to a channel value or its index in the dataset. } \usage{ generateRepMatNoFilter(data, minNbReps, IndexOrInt, col4val, col4anno) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{ an R data frame generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{minNbReps}{ set to 2 if you want to exclude replicates occurring only once in the dataset, otherwise 1. } \item{IndexOrInt}{ a character string - either \code{ "Index"} or \code{ "Intensities"} - specifying which values are to be contained in the output matrix. } \item{col4val}{ a character string specifying the name of the dataset column to be used for the values of the output matrix (if \code{ IndexOrIntensities} is set to \code{ "Intensities"}), for example \code{ "SigIntensity"} or \code{ "NbCells"} } \item{col4anno}{ a character string specifying the name of the dataset column to be used for the output matrix' rows, for example \code{ "GeneName"} or \code{ "Internal_GeneID"}. } } \details{ The function will not omit values or indexes of lines/wells with spot type -1. If you want to omit those, use \code{ generateReplicatematrix}. } \value{ A matrix with each row corresponding to an siRNA/gene ID (as reflected in rownames), each column to a channel value or its index in the dataset. Missing values (in case of different number of replicates occuring for different siRNAs/genes) are set to NA. } \seealso{ \code{\link{generateReplicateMat}} } \examples{ data(exampleDataset, package="RNAither") replicatematrix <- generateRepMatNoFilter(dataset, 2, "Index", "SigIntensity", "GeneName") } \keyword{ arith }