\name{subClassNames} \alias{subClassNames} \alias{superClassNames} \title{ Functions to return the names of either subclasses or superclasses. } \description{ Given the name of a S4 class, or a S4 classRepresentation object, these functions return either the names of the direct subclasses or of the direct superclasses. } \usage{ subClassNames(x) superClassNames(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Either the name of a class, or an instance of classRepresentation. } } \details{ If a name is given then \code{getClass} is used to get the class representation object. } \value{ A character vector, listing either the direct subclasses or the direct superclasses, depending on which function was called. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{getClass}} } \examples{ subClassNames("matrix") superClassNames("matrix") } \keyword{ manip }