\name{kCores} \alias{kCores} \title{Find all the k-cores in a graph} \description{Find all the k-cores in a graph } \usage{ kCores(g, EdgeType=c("in", "out")) } \arguments{ \item{g}{an instance of the \code{graph} class } \item{EdgeType} {what types of edges to be considered when \code{g} is directed } } \details{ A k-core in a graph is a subgraph where each node is adjacent to at least a minimum number, k, of the other nodes in the subgraph. A k-core in a graph may not be connected. The core number for each node is the highest k-core this node is in. A node in a k-core will be, by definition, in a (k-1)-core. The implementation is based on the algorithm by V. Batagelj and M. Zaversnik, 2002. The example \code{snacoreex.gxl} is in the paper by V. Batagelj and M. Zaversnik, 2002. } \value{ A vector of the core numbers for all the nodes in \code{g}. } \references{ Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. By S. Wasserman and K. Faust, pp. 266. An O(m) Algorithm for Cores decomposition of networks, by V. Batagelj and M. Zaversnik, 2002. } \author{Li Long } \seealso{} \examples{ con1 <- file(system.file("XML/snacoreex.gxl",package="RBGL")) kcoex <- fromGXL(con1) close(con1) kCores(kcoex) con2 <- file(system.file("XML/conn2.gxl",package="RBGL")) kcoex2 <- fromGXL(con2) close(con2) kCores(kcoex2) kCores(kcoex2, "in") kCores(kcoex2, "out") } \keyword{ models }