\name{extractPath} \alias{extractPath} \title{convert a dijkstra.sp predecessor structure into the path joining two nodes } \description{ determine a path between two nodes in a graph, using output of \code{\link{dijkstra.sp}}. } \usage{ extractPath(s, f, pens) } \arguments{ \item{s}{ index of starting node in nodes vector of the graph from which \code{pens} was derived} \item{f}{ index of ending node in nodes vector } \item{pens}{ predecessor index vector as returned in the \code{preds} component of \code{\link{dijkstra.sp}} output} } \references{ Boost Graph Library ( www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/index.html ) The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference Manual; by Jeremy G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, and Andrew Lumsdaine; (Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education Inc., 2002), xxiv+321pp. ISBN 0-201-72914-8 } \author{Vince Carey } \seealso{ \code{\link[e1071]{allShortestPaths}}} \examples{ data(FileDep) dd <- dijkstra.sp(FileDep) extractPath(1,9,dd$pen) } \keyword{ models }