\name{renorm} \alias{renorm} \title{Renormalize Spectra} \description{ Renormalize spectra for m/z values greater than `cutoff'. } \usage{ renorm(Ma, cutoff) } \arguments{ \item{Ma}{a matrix, with rows the m/z values and the columns the samples.} \item{cutoff}{a real value, before which the portion of a spectrum will be ignored.} } \details{ A sample of spectra will be normalized to have the same AUC, the median of the AUCs of spectra. Each AUC is calculated as the sum of the intensities whose m/z values are greater than `cutoff'. } \value{ A matrix, with rows the m/z values and the columns the samples. Only rows with m/z values greater than `cutoff' are kept. } \examples{ example(rmBaseline) rtM <- renorm(testM, cutoff=1500) } \keyword{utilities}