\name{gelmap} \alias{gelmap} \title{Plot the image of a set of spectra} \description{ This function takes its argument as a intensity matrix of a set of spectra and plots the image as a heatmap. } \usage{ gelmap(Ma, cols = gray(seq(1, 0, by = -0.01)), at.mz = NULL, at.col = NULL, cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc)) } \arguments{ \item{Ma}{a matrix of intensities; spectra are arranged column-wise.} \item{cols}{a vector of color to represent continuum of intensities.} \item{at.mz}{a vector of m/z values where labels are desired.} \item{at.col}{a vector of sample indices, useful to label particular samples. If NULL, samples will be labelled from down up by 1:ncol(Ma). } \item{cexCol}{text size of the sample labels.} } \seealso{See Also \code{\link{binning}}.} \keyword{hplot}